Prerequisites (UKONS)

In Compassly, competency authors are able to setup rules about which other competencies a person must hold to be able to complete a specific competency. These are referred to as “Prerequisites

Note that it is also possible for stages within a competency to need to be completed in a specific order, but this help guide just covers whole competencies.

How Prerequisites work

There are three different configurations of pre-requisite in Compassly

  1. Required to start - no progress can be made on this competency at all until all prerequisite competencies are complete and valid.
  2. Required to complete - all stages of the competency can be completed, but it is not possible for the final sign-off to be completed and the competency to become valid until all prerequisite competencies are completed
  3. Information only - there is no requirement to complete the pre-requisite competencies, but they are shown against this competency for information purposes

Note that any competency can have multiple competencies as prerequisites, e.g. you may need to have completed several competencies before you can start on a specific competency.

Where a reference is made to a “valid” competency, this includes not just that it has been completed but that it is in a current valid state, i.e. not expired or invalidated.

Others referencing this competency

If you see “Others referencing this competency” noted under Related competencies on a competency, it indicates which other competencies have this competency required as a prerequisite.

In this example, you can see there are 5 competencies that reference this specific competency. Tapping on that button will show you the names of these competencies, plus what sort of prerequisite is in place. Note that this includes all competencies referring to this specific competency, whether or not this individual has these assigned to their profile.

UKONS-specific configuration

For the UKONS SACT Competency Passport, all of the Competencies require the Core SACT Module competency to be completed before they can be signed off, and some have other prerequisite requirements too.

This will be indicated in the Competency Overview screens. You can still proceed with completing all the different stages of that competency, but it cannot be signed off until the prerequisite competency is completed and valid as well.

In this example, the Oral SACT competency requires the Core SACT competency to be valid in order to complete the Oral SACT competency. You can still work on the stages of the Oral SACT module without holding a valid copy of the Core SACT competency, but you cannot complete the Oral SACT module without it.