Creating Teams

Video guide

How do I setup a Team?

Teams can be configured using any combination of:

  • Locations;
  • Services; and
  • Roles.

Teams can be setup to cover multiple locations, services or roles. Examples include:

  • All the wards in a specific hospital site, to create a hospital site-wide team;
  • Specific professional roles (e.g. pharmacists) to cover all people in that professional role across the organisation;
  • A particular set of locations (e.g. surgical wards); and
  • Specific services (e.g., medical, orthopaedic, paediatric, etc).

Teams can be configured by any Compassly administrator, either within your organisation or by contacting your usual Compassly support team.

I’m not part of any Team!

You may see one of the following screens when looking at the Teams tab:

If you see the ‘No Teams’ view, one obvious reason may be that your organisation doesn’t have Teams properly configured (see below).

But the other key reason is that your own profile doesn’t match up with any of the Teams created. In particular, if you are setup in your organisation in Compassly without a Job Description then you will automatically not be part of any Team. But it may also be that you have been setup with a Job Description that doesn’t match the right Teams.

How do I change my Job Description to be in the right Team?

For technical reasons, the locations and roles in Job Descriptions cannot be edited, but an existing Job Description can be archived, and a new one created with the right locations, services and roles.

NB - you cannot create or archive Job Descriptions for yourself; a Supervisor will need to do this for you.

💡See Archiving Job Descriptions for further guidance on this.

You can also have multiple Job Descriptions to cover your role in multiple Teams

There’s someone in my Team who shouldn’t be

This is probably because they have setup a Job Description that places them in that Team when they shouldn’t be. This typically happens when somebody selects lots of different Locations when setting up a Job Description, but there can be other reasons too.

There are two potential solutions to this:

  1. Speak to that person / their supervisor, and ask if they can Archive the Job Description that has added them wrongly to your Team, and then setup a new one with a more accurate set of Locations, Services and Roles.
  2. Contact Compassly support and we may be able to further fine-tune the filters on your Teams so that it (for example) excludes people who match the location but not the professional roles within your Team.

You can only see Teams that you are part of

There may be scenarios where you need to be added to a Team that you are not automatically part of due to your Job Description - for example, if you’re a practice development or education professional and you work across lots of Teams.

Note that you will show as part of this Team to everyone else in that Team, so that they know that you can help with their assessments.