Dashboard and in-app reporting

Video guide

The Dashboard in Compassly serves as your central hub for competency reporting, and reviewing the progress of your team members. It provides an at-a-glance view of your Team’s current status and helps you evaluate and review your collective professional development effectively.

Within the Dashboard tab, you will generally see the following two categories of reporting:

  • My Teams Total: all the members you are associated with through mutual Teams
  • Specific Job Description categories: a specific grouping of users based on Job Descriptions (unique combination of Locations, Services, and Roles)

💡 For more information about Teams, see our guide on Working with Teams.

The Dashboard can be found within your organisation, by tapping on


Reporting Overview

If you tap on any of your Teams within the Dashboard, you will be taken to an Overview page for that Team. This will report the following features:

  • Status of all active competencies
  • Activity of your Team (in the last 7 days)
  • Progress status of all Team members


The ‘status’ feature of the Dashboard displays all the competencies assigned to your Team in an ordered manner. It also reports the overall progress status of the Team across all competencies, as well as for individual competencies.

You can tap on

All Competencies

to view the breakdown by status.

If you tap on a specific competency, you will be able to view the Competency status of that particular competency for each Team member.

You can further apply filters to view Team members according to their completion status. This includes competencies that:

  • have been submitted for review;
  • are coming due soon; and
  • are already late.


Tapping on the “Activity” tab in the middle will show you:

  • Stages completed in the last 7 days
  • Competencies completed in the last 7 days

Stages are sections of competencies that comprise the full competency. Think of them as sub-parts within a competency that need to be completed by both the supervisor and supervisee to achieve the full competency.

Competencies refer to the full competency achieved.

View all members

The “View all members” tab will display all your team members, and provide a breakdown of each member’s competency completion status. Tapping on a user will take you to their profile page.

You can also adjust the filters to narrow down your search by tapping on the Filters icon in the top left corner…

… or do a direct search by tapping on the Search icon in the top right corner.